The Rules and Tools of SEO Copywriting

SEO copywriting is an art by itself. It achieves the dual benefits of keeping its readers happy while satisfying search engines too.  It does justice to its readers by creating compelling content that instigates action. Also, search engines revel in content that appeals to readers and reward websites that produce ‘quality content’. By following the rules and using tools meant to aid SEO copywriting, website owners can further boost their search engine rankings and attract more ‘actionable readers’.

Keep content relevant and simple

Many miss out on this one. Keep your introduction short and relevant. Don’t beat about the bush. The main content should be simple to read, simpler to understand, and most importantly, relevant to the reader. Eschew repetitions- they bore the reader. Ensure that your content has information that the reader can use.

Slick Write is a tool that ensures that you produce posts that are stylish, structurally and grammatically correct, and above all -engaging.

Use keywords right

Though the primary focus is on delivering ‘compelling and engaging content’, never lose sight of the fact that keywords are also important. Regardless of what you are writing, it’s important to understand what users want (this is the key) and try to deliver that.  Ensure that you target the keyword in the first para itself-that way, readers will know that they are on the right track.  Never resort to ‘spamming’ your content with keywords. Search engines frown on such unfair attempts to boost rankings.

Word Stream Keywords– this tool helps you to analyze your keywords and assess them for value. You can rest assured that you’re using the right one.

Listen to the user’s voice

This one is important. Take a look at the search queries used by users. Incorporate the relevant suggestions into your blog or post. Users love it when their voices are heard and love it even more if it addresses or solves the issue that’s bothering them.

Tools like Surfer help writers to target key phrases and also helps you alter your content for SEO. Combined with the Free SEO Optimization Tool, you can tweak your content a bit to cater to the reader as well as SEO.

Headlines matter

Most of us tend to fast forward and delve right into content writing without pausing to consider the impact that headlines have. Make headlines attractive and catchy. Also having the keyword in the headline works in your favor. It convinces readers that they are about to get what they are searching for.

Optimize by using featured snippets and voice search

The advantage of using these is that they are short enough to capture the attention of the reader, easy to comprehend, and relevantly satisfying. With an increasing number of smartphone users engaging in voice technology, it makes sense to give users the chance to ask questions instead of using keywords.

Do you want to know what you’re doing wrong and what your competitors are doing right? Use SpyFu and get to know what they are doing. Use that info to your advantage. There are a lot of tools out there—use them to enhance SEO copywriting

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