Think Local to Go Global SEO Translation is your Best Bet

You cannot escape globalization- it’s at your doorstep! Very rightly you’re proud of the fact that your website is receiving global attention. You believe that your SEO is good and so is your ranking. But have you thought of the impact that your website might have on a non-English audience? Likely, none of your translated web pages will ever show up on any search engine. That could be disastrous for your SEO. Not to worry though- trust SEO translation to see you through the rough patch.

Difference between translation and SEO translation

Well, translation is just what it means, translating web pages word for word literally. SEO translation goes beyond this by recognizing the cultural differences of different countries and bridging cultural gaps. After all, internet concepts are not universal and different users search in different ways. Mere translation doesn’t do the job but SEO does.

The importance of SEO translation

Websites are portals of communication between your targeted audience and yourself. Your aim in going global is to ensure that your products and services are accessible to your potential customers, worldwide. However, this purpose is defeated if customers in other countries cannot access the information they need.

Remember, it’s not enough that website content is translated into other languages. The translation needs to address the concept of ‘localization’ it needs to take into account the culture of the local language and weave it into website content.  That’s ‘SEO translation’ for you. When search engines sit up and take note of the differentiation, they ensure that content is displayed correctly in the language of the user.

Another important point of note is that when SEO keywords are translated into other languages, they tend to become non-functional and your website is buried even before it comes alive. SEO translation sets the record straight and makes them functional again.

How to know if SEO translation has succeeded

Test your keywords and see if websites work equally well in other languages as they do in English. Content, properly translated should make users feel that the website was created by one of their own- one who is aware of the cultural nuances of the language and can speak it fluently. Using and choosing the right terminology is an important part of SEO translation. Consumers know exactly how to use them optimally to get what they want.

How to approach SEO translation

Ensure that any original content is first optimized before translation. You can also identify the keywords that you are likely to be using and see that they are culturally and correctly translated.

In conclusion, you just need to remember that any translation should not merely be an exchange of words from one language to another. What may be alien when seen through your cultural lens will take on a different hue when you follow international SEO practices.

Get the big translation picture right and couple it with a big dose of ‘cultural consultation’. Rest assured that your target audiences will reach out to you like never before!

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